Thursday, November 19, 2015

Mindful Parenting

#Mindful Parenting
Whatever you parenting style is, you can incorporate mindfulness and benefit from how it improves your relationship with your self than your child/ren. We all know that life happens, in our hectic day to day life we often do things that we give little or no attention to. Consequently, mindful parenting is seeing and remembering to bring this kind of understanding and insight to our precious moments with our children. it is a true routine that carries with it profound benefits for both children and parents.  Being open to learn, from these beautiful little people means paying attention and learning to take a step back and still within ourselves.In silence, we are better able to see past the core, of our predisposed beliefs in which we can bring directly to our parenting.That's why I connect with mindful parenting, because mindful parenting teaches us that everything you say & do shouldn't come unconsciously ,it should not be automatic. Interacting with children  should be a mindful! It should happen, because we want to pass all the loving kindness to our children, so they too can feel that for themselves and pass it on. 

Usually when we feel disconnected, it helps to go back to the basics. First and foremost if we are not connected to ourselves than we certainly can not be expected  to be connected to our children. Practicing "mindful parenting has to do more with the parents, than with the kids. "

1. Self Care- The most difficult task, you ask a parent to do is taking care of themselves. Are you taking care of your needs? Are you eating right and sleeping enough? Are you being productive for your self? If your answer is no! Than I invite you to take initiative and be more active in doing at least one thing for yourself everyday! ( it could be anything). 

2. Create a Happy, Healthy Home! 
The truth is, children are messy and it's unfortunate that you can't have the best of both worlds and have your home look like HGTV magazine. 
You will clean, and organize and it will get dirty and disorganized again, and that's okay. A home that is filled with love of active children will get dirty. 

3. Learn to say "No" 
Set boundaries for your self and practice
 being assertive. You can't be a mindful parent and do it all. Most parents approach me and ask if they are a "bad" parent for not having play dates every day. Play dates are wonderful if you can arrange them in a non- stressful way. If they cause your child to fall behind on school work, or cause a disturbance in your daily routine, than allow yourself to do to say "no". Attending  all social obligations, every PTA meeting, and having a career is a difficult task. Take only what you can do, with out burning yourself out. 

4. Gratitude- Acknowledging the small things that we usually take for granted. Remembering all the good in your life, can lessen the impact of all the bad. Concentrate, on your desires and dreams and make them your reality. 

5. Be Present- start paying attention to your thinking. Observe that your self-talk is constant. Start to bring awareness to your thoughts and the tension in your body. Remember, feelings come along with thoughts so acknowledging, the feeling will allow you to create more space around the source of the feeling and brings you back to yourself  and to what is really important. Everyone benefits when our children's needs are being met. By bringing this kind of sensitivity to our children and ourselves  the quality of our presence, our commitment to them is felt, even in difficult times. We will realize, in moments of conflict and competing needs our being will  come more out of this heart felt- connection, and as a result will have greater kindness and wisdom in them. 

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