Thursday, July 26, 2012

My ADHC Friends

When I think about my decision, to study Clinical psychology, I immediately go to the intense feeling I recently experience, when I feel that a participant at (Adult Healthcare center) feels heard and accepted.  In the mornings, I make a point, to make sure that I connect to most of my seniors before I reach the stairs at the end the hall. Most of the participants are Persian, and migrated from Iran when they were well in to their 50's or 60's if not older. Trying to survive, a regime change wasn't easy, but most did that with no vain.  Most have endured so much pain and suffering, as people who underwent poverty, witnessed war, and fled their home land, leaving behind their identities and status. They have done, all of this only for the well-being of their children. Time after time it breaks my heart to hear stories of these kind and loving individuals that are overlooked by their children. Many feel, as if they are a burden to their children and literally pray that death comes for them as soon as possible. As far as I can remember, in those days, the elderly had something that is missing for some today; they had the care and love of their family. Families took the time, in their busy schedules to look after one another, family members lived close to each other and gave support when it was needed .Neighbors, helped if necessary, and as to my memory, older people were not generally seen as a burden but were recognized and respected as the leader of their family. Sadly, in some families, this is no longer the case. Today, far too many of our elderly are sent to residential care, or are hired caregivers, where they live out their final days all but forgotten by their family. By this I don’t mean, that residential care or a caretaker is a bad idea, for many this works as a means to keep their elderly parents safe and cared for. , but  being forgotten and ignored because you no longer have the time,  is rather painful for many to seniors to handle .Most, grieve that they have given all assets to their children or lost it all while migrating, as though the amount of money, defines them as individuals and their place in society.

During the last eight months, I am convinced that success in caring for our elderly can be achieved only by encouraging all of us to support them, where they are the happiest. Many believe that once someone gets older they lose the right to choose what’s best for them. Listen to the elderly in your life and allow them to pass on their wisdom to you. In the last, months I have realized how important it is for the elderly to interact socially and feel that they are important. Many find themselves increasingly isolated as partners die, and children and grandchildren live farther and farther away. One might assume they are not alone, because they are surrounded by fellow participants and mingle with them. In truth many of these individuals long for the friends they have left behind and feel abandoned by their families. We need to try to re-establish the communities we once took for granted, where families, together cared for the loved ones.
That is why we must look back , not with rose-tinted spectacles, but with hope and realism , and learn from the days when the elderly were given the respect and love they deserved, and were never considered a burden.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Life full of Uncertainties

When I see the depth of tragedy, in Aurora, Colorado or sit in a funeral for a young man with so much to offer his community and his family, my heart aches. We are living in a world of unknown and watching others grieve for their loved one , makes me, realize how so precious life is. One minute your loved one, is thriving and looking forward to a simple entertainment to be taken down because of a senseless act. When tragedies such, as this strike, and we witness the pain another human being is enduring, from loosing someone close, life seems so uncertain. All the things that you took, for granted are know so important. A Birthday card, a picture brings up so much sadness, that sometimes feels unbearable. The question is how do we live a happy and joyous lives, if we feel that all that we have can be taken away in moments time. The truth is that we obviously can't control what happens around us, but we are in control of how we perceive our day to day lives with people we are in contact with. it brings so much sadness, when I meet families at my private Practice whom haven't talked to their parents or siblings for years, for reasons they don't recall. As humans, we tend to forget what is so self explanatory, Live your life to the fullest, love so you can't love no more and don't live your life in regret. Take a stand on enjoying your life and communicate your feelings, with people whom are important in your life. Take a risk and fix a broken relationship or allow conversation in what isn't working for you. Remember that
“Our biggest regrets are not for the things we have done but for the things we haven't done” ― Chad Michael Murray