Monday, September 5, 2016

A Successful Relationship!

Most often couples, come in and are surprised that their relationship is 50/50 and isn't working. I often asked them, how would it be like to take half of yourself to work everyday? Not functional right! Why would you think, a  relationships can be fulfilling if you both are dedicating half of your potential. In order, for your relationship to work everyone has to contribute 100%. This means that both parties, will take ownership of all their shortcomings. They will begin to explore themselves, their upbringing, and what they want in their future. Than, they can begin to understand and emphasize with their partner and give it all, and receive a fulfilling relationship.  

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Mommy Burn out

Being a mother is to be a giver. There are many duties, tasks and responsibilities involved in raising a child. The job of being a mother is lovely, wonderful, challenging and exhausting all at the same time. It is a marathon of caring for and raising a little human being into adulthood. Our society expects mothers, to do it all. In the midst of being super woman, you will begin to feel exhausted and rundown . A few indications that you need to slow down and take better care of yourself. 

1. Never a priority 
2. No self care- lack of time to feel clean and taken care. 
 3. Extreme fatigue ( even with enough sleep). Feeling run down and lethargic. 
Experiencing Anxiety/ Anxious symptoms  - Heart palpation
-Lack of control, choking feeling, 
-Lack of Motivation 
-Decline in job performance 
-Lack of enjoyment 

Frustration with yourself and generally your children. Feeling like, everyone is taking advantage of you.  

If your experiencing any of these symptoms please, get help to become more mindful of your own well-being.